August 14, 2016 – Sowing with Tears
Speaker: Pastor Gordy Hagen
Scripture: Psalm 126:5-6
To download the sermon, right-click and save as this link.
Speaker: Pastor Gordy Hagen
Scripture: Psalm 126:5-6
To download the sermon, right-click and save as this link.
All smiles as we head back home!!! (Featuring air-con again)
Our outstanding translator Uncle Edmund!
Pastor Vj’s son
Last farewells to our friends!
Announcing the award recipients for the VBS!
Setting up for the obligatory group photograph!
Rich in the Spirit…and in shares too!
So many prizes, even more smiles!
A final game! Star player teacher Stephen!
Today we had gift exchange and group photo as we said goodbye to all the local teachers and children.…
Everyone loves a good water balloon game!
And of course.. The excitement over balloon swords was real!
For craft time, the older kids worked on decorating photo frames
Some of the little ones right before today’s closing assembly.
We got to head to the beach for some much needed R&R after a long day! …
The older kids had so much fun playing tug of war. Just seeing the huge smiles on their faces made us happy as well!
The kids playing bubble with Teacher Stephen!
Some of the older kids. They are all so caring and selfless!…
Registration time!
First day of DVBS!!! God has been gracious in bringing in the kids and local Teachers to help us. May God give us the strength as we spread the gospel
There was lots of space to play games!
The school ground where we will be doing the DVBS program! We even made some friends along the way!
Today was definitely a busy day! Getting the church ready for VBS tomorrow!
Continued prayer is greatly appreciated as we run our program for the week!…