September 30, 2018, Dn. Samuel Chow, Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit Audio Player Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Scripture: Mark 3:22-30 To download the sermon, right-click and save as (more…)
September 23, 2018, Dn Samuel Chow, Who Is Jesus To You, Mark 3:1-19 Audio Player Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Scripture: Mark 3:1-19 To download the sermon, right-click and save as this link. (more…)
September 16, 2018, Pastor Issac Ong, Marks of the Religious Person (1) Audio Player Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Scripture: James 1:26 To download the sermon, right-click and save as this link. (more…)
September 9, 2018, Rev James Chan, Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life, John 14:1-6 Audio Player Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Scripture: John 14:1-6 To download the sermon, right-click and save as this link. (more…)